Heartburn And Indigestion

More than 60 million Americans are diagnosed with digestive problems each year. Many of these problems are painful. Some can also lead to deadly diseases. If you routinely suffer from heartburn and indigestion, you should seek professional help. Over the counter medications only provide temporary relief from symptoms and mask the underlying issue.

These are a few things you can do to help yourself feel better if you suffer from digestive distress.

  • Eliminate stress from your life as much as possible.
  • Don’t eat when you are angry or experiencing negative emotions.
  • Eat in a relaxed environment.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Eat with a fork, not with your hands. This will slow you down and probably help you eat less and more healthy foods. (Salads need forks, french fries do not.)
  • Drink adequate amounts of water.
  • Consider a body detox to help rebalance your digestive system.

Many digestive issues are directly related to the foods we consume on a daily basis. Other factors, such acidity, pH balance and leaky gut can also play a huge role in those issues as well. Indigestion may also be just the first warning sign of other bigger issues. So, it’s important to know your body and don’t just ignore it or mask the symptoms with medications and antacids.

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